Saturday, December 3, 2016

How to Use This Election for Growth and Not Fear

Years ago I wrote a few pieces on the growing division in our society and politics. We had moved into camps so far apart we had lost the ability to empathize with each other. With each election roughly half of the population was devastated, acting out in various ways to express their anger, and then they were forgotten. This does not slip away from our mass consciousness, however, it stews and festers. It creates a stronger knee jerk reaction in the next election. And it is happening again.
Those who are shocked, horrified, or just disappointed at the election of Trump are feeling real pain, just as those who were similarly affected by Obama’s election. And that anger back then wasn’t addressed; it went ‘underground’ and festered.
This anger seeps into the mass consciousness of the country and out pictures in a variety of ways. Just like in a family, it comes out in sarcasm, holding secrets, judging or making fun of others, feeling ‘better than’, withholding compassion etc. It bubbles up in pockets of explosive emotions and destructive actions by those more vulnerable to acting out and are a sort of scapegoat.   
One can look at our media and the internet to see this being played out. It’s us against them. They are horrible, we are evolved, they are wrong, we are right, they are stupid, we are smart, and so on. This doesn’t move us on the evolution that we want, does it?
I have long believed the two party system is in a death spiral. It was evident to me this time around that the end is in sight. I see the two party system as the reason we have a Trump as president. People voted out of fear, anxiety, and a feeling there wasn’t a good choice among the two parties. The country gets the president it deserves by each citizen’s emotional state joining with the mass consciousness of the country.  But what if we had voted our heart? A third party candidate we believed in or a write in would energetically and emotionally be a better choice than to vote for what you saw as the lesser of two bad options. The two party system has everyone believing if you don’t vote for one of them you are ‘throwing away’ your vote. Nothing could be further from the truth, because as a society we are all plugged into each other. Energetically, what one person does affects the whole. When one acts through optimism, desire, love and hope, it manifests as a beneficial blessing to all.
We are a young country with good intentions, and for the most part we have, by historical comparisons been moving in the right direction, albeit with some misguided messes along the way. Life is full of contrasts: tragedies and pain as well as freedoms and bliss. We aren’t going to see utopia anytime soon. We will keep muddling through our mistakes as well as thrive because of our successes. This is the process of evolution.
So no self-pity, no gloating. Instead let’s reach out for each other. Let’s forgive. Let’s listen to our hearts. Let us not allow our disappointment or anger to manifest into unwanted reactions, but use it to transcend the present reality. Let’s all envision the world where all are respected. Let’s not get caught up in telling ourselves scary stories about other groups, creating fear when we don’t even know the future. Let’s stop allowing ourselves to be pulled in a direction that takes us away from love and our wellbeing. The absolutely best thing you can do for your country and your fellow citizens to raise your own consciousness. Act from love not fear. Fill your heart with peace before you move out into the world with your good works.  
             For one last thing, an unabashed recommendation of my latest book, The Light of Grace, Journeys of an Angel, where you will get to peek into the future and glimpse exactly how many of our problems will be solved. 

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