Monday, May 3, 2021


I was going to write about post pandemic PTSD, but frankly, those of you who have been following me for years know what I'd recommend, i.e. take care of yourself, limit news, meditate, eat well, get good sleep, get outside, move etc.

     What is going on is so much deeper than COVID. We are in a major transition to something new. So many authors, teachers, and spiritual leaders have written about moving through these upheavals, attempting to explain how the state of chaos in the world came to be, how it is affecting all of us, and what will happen next.

     We have been going through a unique period in our lifetime. Information and events have been exploding into our lives faster than we can adapt to it. Not only the health issues with the pandemic, the political storms, lack of consensus on facts (knowledge commons), and the economic issues from lock downs, but also the effects from the stress caused by it all; more divorces, eating disorders, depression, drinking, and anxiety among them.

     The media chooses stories to dwell on, magnify, exaggerate and cover day after day after day, until we feel like the whole world is in some sort of hell. Depending on what source of information you tune into the stories vary widely.

     In a true democratic system, there is knowledge commons and there is a base line of consensus for what we are, as a nation, attempting to create, what democracy means, and how the government works. Our disagreements have normally been on what government can do to protect that and how.

     We've entered, over the last decades, a period where we act like those who have different ideas to solve problems are ignorant, enemies, or just plain evil. Groups, organizations, colleges, media sources, and social media, censor opinions they don't want to hear; we have lost the ability to hear opposing views.  We have fractured pieces of 'reality' wherein extreme conspiracy theories gain millions of followers. There is an abundance of mistrust in the 'others'. Author Charles Eisenstein noted, "How can we have a democracy if we are being incited to hate each other by the very media we depend on to tell us what is real, what is "news" and what the world is?"  The political party in power tries to repress and censor the opposing party's views.


     Our cultural blemishes have risen to the forefront and are being seized upon by different sides. We live in a story that there are good guys and bad guys, and everyone thinks they are the good guy.


     And yet:

·         We are all one in the human family

·         We have all been the good guy and the bad guy

·         In our world there are opposing beliefs in which both are true

·         What we call 'truth' shifts with levels of consciousness


     The likeliest explanation for the current state, upon the revelation of the destructive stories we've been hiding, covering up or ignoring, are hopefully, the last gasps of the most primitive of consciousness, as it raises its ugly head for all to see.

     For example, there has always been a percentage of people who are drawn to law enforcement and military because of the sense of power and control it gives them over others. (There are ways to screen out these individuals in the application process with psych tests for social pathology.)

     Yet we can't fix what we aren't aware of. Those of us in the spiritual community are painfully aware of all the world's atrocities, from the horrors of war, famine, prisons, devastation of lands, all kinds of violence, to the insidious, subtle discriminations and everyday insults by all manner of journalists, bloggers and everyday people.

          When I was young in the 60s and 70s, we were filled with energy and ideas for creating a new world: just, safe, environmentally healthy, with gender equality and healthier food. We saw women were treated unfairly and often as sex objects, minorities experienced deep discrimination from every level, senseless wars, and guns and violence exploded in the streets. We charged forward to change this.

     We failed. There are more guns, still wars, more sexualization of young girls, still inequities, and we are less healthy.

     We have to tell a new story. One not of good and evil, us versus them, but a culture of compassion, listening, patience, creative problem solving, and understanding. It is time for transformation. We know in our hearts that the way society has been isn't working, and it's making us sick. It's making the Earth sick as well.

     And not tell a story of what we're against. The against position is already coming from behind, a weakened state that makes opposite forces strengthen more. Instead of pushing against opinions, beliefs or thoughts, manifest a powerful new vision that encompasses a beautiful story.

     Seeing two young children fighting over a toy, rather than make one right and one wrong, an effective parent will work out a solution that reduces upsetting emotions, makes them feel understood, and invites them to help come up with a peaceful one. We are no different. If we are told we are wrong we dig in our heels, don't we? We are more determined to prove we are right and they are wrong. What you push against grows stronger.


     So, I challenge everyone to create a new story.


·         Make one up. Call it fiction. There are always truths in storytelling.

·         Think, talk, write, read, stories with beautiful answers.

·         Envision the world how you know it could be.

·         Be fierce in your determination.

·         Don't stay silent when others try to drag someone or a group through the mud.

Ask the hard questions when they complain about the 'other'. Ask why they think the other is that way, challenge them to go deeper.

·         Tell personal stories to exemplify your points.

·         Flood the internet with good stories.

·         You don't need to defend or explain what your personal politics are, democrat or republican, independent or libertarian. It's all fine. This isn't a process for one political persuasion.


     In my book, The Light of Grace, two of the characters lived in future time periods: one in mid-21st century, and one in the 26th-century. It was great fun working out how many of today's problems were solved. So, inadvertently, I've already begun this process!

     One of the efforts of the spiritual community is to encourage people to go inward more, study scriptures and develop practices that raise one's consciousness and the desired effect will be the raising of mass consciousness. As the teachings go, when it reaches critical mass, this will change our culture, change society for the better. And we can see the emerging effect. You can find results all around.

     But I think we need to do more. I hope you're with me. Thank you.

*Photo by Obie Fernandez on Unsplash

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Political Balance



I’ve been concerned, and over the last 30 years it has been an increasing concern. In fact, I've been writing about this for years, the widening political division. We’ve always had it, but I do remember when it wasn’t so in our face, so vicious and full of a deep stubbornness that holds us back from understanding each other. We can debate the causes and the beginning point, but I do remember while Reagan was president the media seemed to stretch more and more into opinion instead of mere reporting. Then we all know what ended up happening. Media companies took up sides, deciding what to omit and what to embellish.

     We start politically rubber-banding in sometimes exaggerated ways. Stretching and straining into imbalance from liberal and conservative administrations and imbalanced media coverage. If this imbalance is deep enough, the most inflamed sectors of the populace act out, sometimes leading to violence.

     I'd like to present what a balanced governance would look like.  I believe we've had it before, if only sporadically. Right now, it is as if we think we can only have either conservative or liberal policies. It isn't supposed to be this way.

     Warning, I'm going to get real politically incorrect, bringing up the masculine and feminine ways of approaching governance, and the huge benefits as well as disadvantages of both. Both are sorely needed.


What a conservative position stands for in a balanced, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual way:


1)      The conservative model represents male energy, or patriarchal, in its approach to managing, guiding and encouraging a people.

2)      The ideal goal is to allow people the freedom and space to create their own dreams and provide the open doors to pursue that.

3)      There is a strong belief that if a government aids people in need over and above what is essential in an emergency situation, the country will be fostering a state of dependence in such people. (welfare state)

4)      To help those in dire need is a necessity for a government, but to continue that help when the person is able-bodied only takes away that person’s means to achieve self-fulfillment and self-esteem as well as a sense of accomplishment.

5)      To enable a group of individuals to remain on more aid than is necessary for survival weakens society and allows a segment of the population to become a burden when in fact they could be productive given responsibility for themselves.

6)      Capitalism is the best form of economic base for a country and it will enable prosperity to the broadest number of people.

7)      Supply and demand in a free society will of its own accord will be the fairest system to all, pricing goods and services more equitably than any government could.

(Based on the belief of Adam Smith in 1776, ‘A Wealth of Nations’ which influenced our Declaration of Independence)

8)      Underlying these beliefs is the basic belief that people given free rein will rise to their full capabilities.

9)      This is very much like the father’s form of parenting, giving the children more responsibility, playing a bit tough, but being there for support of the helpless.

10)  The government is ready to protect during real or perceived threats.


When this form of governing gets out of balance, just like a father too stern or removed from the children, it can grow toward one end of the spectrum creating lack in other areas. In the effort to protect the masses and put resources there, there could be a lack of nurturing and respect of the people, the environment and the small businesses.  Funding can get lop-sided toward the male energy type activities, too much of the resources going giving it more authority, territorial rights, defense, etc. Aggression can be a knee jerk reaction to problems. Businesses may grow irresponsibly, ignoring the byproducts of their wastefulness and lack of ecological awareness as well as an understanding of the needs of the individual workers.



What a liberal position stands for in a balanced, emotional, intellectual and spiritual way:


1)      Conversely to the conservative model, the liberal model represents female energy, or maternal in its approach to managing, guiding and nurturing a people.

2)      The ideal goal is to create a safe, healthy environment that is rich in experience and gives everyone an opportunity to become what they want to be.

3)      There is a strong belief that if the government shows the people it’s ability to be there for them, have safety nets in place, caring for the poor, aged, disadvantaged, discriminated against, and ill, that this is a sign of success.

4)      To lack taking sufficient care of the less fortunate will bring an eventuality of more crime, hopelessness and despair. The gulf between the poor and wealthy will grow.

5)      To have a government that brings speedy aid to the less fortunate will allow those individuals, with government programs assisting them, become productive citizens of society and, in the end, off government assistance.

6)      Capitalism may be the best form of economic base, but the government must be vigilant in making sure it is fair to all.

7)      Sometimes supply and demand isn’t fair to all and the government can and should equal things out for everyone.

8)      Underlying these beliefs is the basic belief that we are our brother’s keeper. We are all ultimately responsible for the welfare of our people and the world where we can help.

9)      This, obviously, is very much like the mother’s form of parenting, very nurturing, helpful, listening, and being supportive in the direction the individuals want to go in.

10)  This government is ready to nurture and protect its weakest segment of society.


When this form of governing gets out of balance, just like a mother that is too permissive or too helpful, it can create divisions of the people. The people that work hardest and create the most success can be penalized by a heavy tax burden to support an ever-growing dependent population. Too much rescuing robs them of the opportunity to develop self-reliance, find out what they are innately capable of, thereby never attaining their potential or self-fulfillment. Their offspring becomes entangled in the web of government agencies without hope of escaping.


In both of the extreme scenarios there would be an eventual outcome of an exhausted, over-expended state, somewhat similar to single parenting!


A person in balance has an opportunity to improve, and raise his or her consciousness.

A person out of balance has fewer options available, being seemingly held down by unknown outside forces, which is an illusion. The country is a macrocosm of this.


The balance is created by the individuals, all of us; enabling our capacity for nurturing and discipline within ourselves and each other.  We, of course, need both attributes in a society. With balance, peace, fortitude, both caring and responsibility, we can create a vibrant, healthy populace that offers the fertile ground for all to grow. If humanity continues to thrive on this planet there will inevitably be an evolution resulting in the merging of these attributes in ourselves and our government, assisting the needy and fostering self-reliance.


We can see it in individuals right now. We are developing more awareness, use of our potential and certainly moving into a more whole-brained way of life. It is a matter of consciousness being raised above the polarization of society.


Friday, January 15, 2021

The Two-party system is in a death spiral


We need:
To repair and reinvent what our founding fathers envisioned. 

What if: 
We evolved this beautiful system 
Of governance 
Into something so perfected 
So improved 
That there were no labels 
Describing one’s ‘side’ 
Just all of us with all of our views 
And candidates weren’t dependent on 
Being approved or backed by a party 
Any corporate funding 
Or lobbyists 
Just the people 
And all of our multiplicity 
Seeking the one candidate 
Who aligns with our 
Most embracing, common vision.

My Beliefs and Yours, Room for All     Our carts almost crashed in the health food store while we were both looking for items on the she...