Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cloistering Ourselves to Polorization

I just listened to a talk show in which an author and spiritual leader of sorts was talking about our current political and cultural environment. She said she did something that on the surface seems admirable, but beneath the surface—so telling in and of itself.

She said she purposely made lunch dates with people from the opposite political party from her. She also said they didn't talk about politics, but just regular life—job, kids, etc. That's fine. Great people can be found with hugely diverse beliefs; so, hopefully she is learning this.

But WHAT PLANET DOES SHE LIVE ON? She must purposely seclude herself from socializing or having relationships with people that have differing beliefs from her own in her everyday life.

Those of us in business, those of us with big families or a wide range of relationships, have a great advantage over those who stick to their own tribe so exclusively. Understanding, compassion, and really hearing others who are different is a learned skill that perhaps many aren't purposely developing.

Which explains a lot. Where we are now in the political world is highly divisive. There seems to be very little listening. Each viewpoint paints the other side in an almost comical, stereotypical way, which demeans everyone.

We need to really listen with our hearts, to everyone. We need to understand where others are coming from beyond what leaders say, beyond what the stereotypes are. It's not enough to put others who disagree with us in a box and say, "Oh well they think that way because, such and such." That's condescending.

Listening with compassion heals.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Why Does it have to be Either Or?

Why does it have to be either/or?
Right or Left?
Capitalism or Socialism?

In a conscious society,
These labels aren't needed
Aren't beneficial
Are too divisive

Instead of criticizing corporations
Let's increase, foster, embrace the highly
Conscious ones
Run by the aware and awakened

Ask them to help

Let's be gentle with those corporate heads
With whom we disagree
And listen to them.
They have needed knowledge
And provide needed jobs
They aren't the enemy

Being flatly anti-capitalism
Pushes away
Lowers consciousness

Being flatly anti-green
Pushes away
Lowers consciousness

On the environment,
Remove the argument
Of global warming.
All will never agree

Let's all embrace
Mother Earth
Mother Nature
Foster Love for her
In word and deed

By this emphasis
Instead of scientific
All can be healed

Aligning with one political party
With high and good ideals
May be positive
If one remains open
And not combative to
Other values
Other's beliefs

It is indeed
Of high consciousness
To hold regard
For other's beliefs

Only when we hold
Our own values
And others
In this gentle way
And learn to deeply listen
Will we feel the shift
That will end
The polarization 
And emerge
Into a new way
With a new path
For all

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A New Vision

In so many ways, we seem divided. This divide appears so blatant, so apparent now. But I think it has always been this way.   And now it is rising loudly in front of us so that we may begin to heal this part of our consciousness.

Throughout human history, our primitive brain became engaged as soon as others who were different showed up.  Different cultures, races, beliefs and ways were automatically suspect and spurned. This survival mechanism was probably necessary long ago.

It now shows up in our politics, race relations, international relations, and other societal areas -- us against them.

I believe this is the beginning of the great healing. Having it displayed so starkly isn't by chance.

We are being shown that the change we so much wish for, the change we most desire, begins within ourselves, as so famously stated by Gandhi.

We can’t wait for our leaders to show us the way in this. We must take this on now, each one of us.

If you feel offended by another, a group, or a party, if you feel frightened, or worried; follow that feeling to its source.

For example:

If you lean toward a conservative philosophy, and you are fearful that our freedoms are being compromised, our way of life disintegrating, our economic abundance is in jeopardy, follow those fears within  --  where are you feeling powerless, where are you impoverished and where are you imprisoned? Address those in your self. Know that all is well. 

 If you lean more liberal, and you worry for the victims in society, you see the suffering of the poor and ill, and you are anxious about the global environment, seek where you feel the victim, where you are suffering, and where you are the destroyer. Heal thyself. 

When we focus on cultivating  peace and seek to heal this divide within, it cannot continue to exist without.

We are all inherently good people trying to create a just, peaceful and healthy world. Always remember there are infinite ways to solve problems.

When two opposing energies unite, the result is a greater than its separate parts.

Listen to each other with love, openness and make a serious attempt to understand. A New Reality is right around the corner; in fact, it is being revealed right now, in you!


Who is a Victim?

We have recognized all these groups in our society as victims: LGBQ, women, Muslims, people of color, Latinos, immigrants, Jews, disabled, e...